We get asked some standard questions in regards to prep prior to coating your concrete. When we say coatings we mean flake or solid color systems that are typically higher in solids content such as our most popular system "one day flake" or the use of products like our Poly 90. Here are a few of the questions:
"Do I need to prep if my concrete is new" .....Absolutely
"Can I just acid wash"....please don't
"Is the Diamabrush tool from Home Depot ok to use"....not good enough
"I power washed it really good, is that ok?"....glad you cleaned it, but a waste of time prior to prep coating.
To sum up the answer, you need to create the proper Concrete Surface Profile (CSP). This cannot be achieved by any of the above methods for a 'coating' (one of our sealers or water based urethanes...yes). We sell professional grade products and these typically require professional type machines that you would find at a rental store or specialty shop in order to prep. Prep is one of the most important parts of coating. We do sell grinders for prepping concrete.
For our everyday coaters this is basic stuff, but for the curious ones hopefully this video will help to you to further understand the types of diamonds, machines, and what to look for to prep your concrete floor for a coating.